10 episodes
Episode 1
The Tale of Bjorn Cleve
Nov 01, 20192k views
Episode 2
The Gobblekin
Nov 01, 2019790 views
Episode 3
World's Grandest Grandma
Nov 15, 2019897 views
Episode 4
Feb 16, 2020789 views
Episode 5
Jun 01, 2021530 views
Episode 6
Kingdom of the Sun
Feb 01, 2022455 views
Episode 7
Roshilda the Beautiful
Jun 20, 2022153 views
Episode 8
Feb 04, 2023112 views
Episode 9
Jul 01, 2023286 views
Episode 10
Pernille & The Barbarian
Dec 20, 2023176 views
The Tome of tiny tales is a collection of short stories of different genres, tones and art style. The ones that are maybe a bit too small to make an entire new series out of.
Here you'll find cute stories, horror stories, adventures and more, but they are usually in the realm of fantasy!
The nature of this collection means that the updates are infrequent, so please subscribe to know when a new story has been added!
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Zilo is the duo Lars and Markus. We make No-Good Heroes in our spare time between full-time jobs and studies. Our goal is to one day be able to work freely on our creative endeavors and giving ink through Tapas is one way you can help us with that. We won't promise grand rewards except our sincere thanks for your support, because, when everything is said and done - we want you to support us because you enjoy what we create, and want more of it.
Thank you for your time, and thank you for reading our stories.
- Lars and Markus
The Tome of tiny tales is a collection of short stories of different genres, tones and art style. The ones that are maybe a bit too small to make an entire new series out of.
Here you'll find cute stories, horror stories, adventures and more, but they are usually in the realm of fantasy!
The nature of this collection means that the updates are infrequent, so please subscribe to know when a new story has been added!
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