7 episodes
Episode 1
Oct 17, 2018278 views
Episode 2
Oct 20, 2018132 views
Episode 3
Injured child
Nov 02, 201869 views
Episode 4
"I-I have hands!"
Nov 17, 201865 views
Episode 5
First fight
Nov 17, 201863 views
Episode 6
Evil Human Part 1
Nov 24, 201852 views
Episode 7
Evil Human Part 2
Nov 24, 201878 views
The journey of a lonely Tree Spirit.
Unceasing laughter, happiness, and bliss played themselves before it... before...him? But alas, he was only but a spectator relishing in their delight, their warmth, their care. When they went, darkness ensured. But, maybe he would find a place he truly belonged? A place where he would be cared for, and a place that he could be ...happy?
...But firstly, I'm a male okay. A proud male tree spirit. No matter what you do, that can't change!
A Bl story, but mostly fantasy.
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The journey of a lonely Tree Spirit.
Unceasing laughter, happiness, and bliss played themselves before it... before...him? But alas, he was only but a spectator relishing in their delight, their warmth, their care. When they went, darkness ensured. But, maybe he would find a place he truly belonged? A place where he would be cared for, and a place that he could be ...happy?
...But firstly, I'm a male okay. A proud male tree spirit. No matter what you do, that can't change!
A Bl story, but mostly fantasy.
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