8 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter : 1, Part 1
Mar 14, 2016606 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: Part 2
Mar 21, 2016207 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1: Part 3
Mar 28, 2016142 views
Episode 4
Chapter 1: Part 4
Apr 04, 2016186 views
Episode 5
Chapter 1: Part 5
Apr 11, 2016225 views
Episode 6
Chapter 1: Part 6
Apr 18, 2016272 views
Episode 7
Chapter 1: Part 7
Apr 25, 2016178 views
Episode 8
Chapter 1: Part 8
May 02, 2016515 views
Tumbleweed Vagrant is the story of a solemn, ronin angel aiding in the search for his newfound teenage travel companion’s mother - and a method of passing along “The Code” to a wandering generation.
Tumbleweed is wild and unruly. He now travels with a young girl - which are two things he knows nothing about (children and girls) - who is just as wild and unruly as him. They travel to each of the worst locations in the Deadlands of all seven territories of Domum, in hopes of solving the mystery of her family's importance to a criminal organization.
Along the way, he hopes to be a mentor, though the only thing he knows is the way of the sword.
Explore the world - and underbelly - of Trinitus through the eyes of a jaded drifter and an angry, introverted teenage girl - united by sheer coincidence.
Join them as they search for virtue in a society on the brink of collapse.
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Tumbleweed Vagrant is the story of a solemn, ronin angel aiding in the search for his newfound teenage travel companion’s mother - and a method of passing along “The Code” to a wandering generation.
Tumbleweed is wild and unruly. He now travels with a young girl - which are two things he knows nothing about (children and girls) - who is just as wild and unruly as him. They travel to each of the worst locations in the Deadlands of all seven territories of Domum, in hopes of solving the mystery of her family's importance to a criminal organization.
Along the way, he hopes to be a mentor, though the only thing he knows is the way of the sword.
Explore the world - and underbelly - of Trinitus through the eyes of a jaded drifter and an angry, introverted teenage girl - united by sheer coincidence.
Join them as they search for virtue in a society on the brink of collapse.
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