3 episodes
Episode 1
Jul 09, 2018253 views
Episode 2
Nov 05, 2020119 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1
Nov 08, 2020119 views
The future is upon us and technology is flourishing beyond the imagination. However, every power comes at a price, and one night Chance's parents are to burden the cost of this newfound technology. Being unable to work in the hospital, Chance goes on a quest for knowledge revolving around her parent's tragedy.
While discovering a secret vendetta, a night full of mystery with an enchanting man, and secrets unknown by all, can Chance drag herself out of the pits of despair and be victorious or will she fall into the hands of the trauma that haunts her life?
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The person who pushes me past the 5,000 ink mark can name a character in the book! Happy inking ;)
The future is upon us and technology is flourishing beyond the imagination. However, every power comes at a price, and one night Chance's parents are to burden the cost of this newfound technology. Being unable to work in the hospital, Chance goes on a quest for knowledge revolving around her parent's tragedy.
While discovering a secret vendetta, a night full of mystery with an enchanting man, and secrets unknown by all, can Chance drag herself out of the pits of despair and be victorious or will she fall into the hands of the trauma that haunts her life?
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