1 episode
Hello friends, this is ava and eva. 5 years ago we finished sun rising, and although we are both extremely proud of this comic, we worked too hard and had crazy expectations thus straining ourselves. Recently we tried to work together again, so we chose a little comic idea about ava's masochistic character Valya, who had his lifelong dream come true at the worst possible time. It was amazing to see how both our styles and skills changed, and we hope to (slowly) work on a longer comic project, maybe. Cheers!
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Hello friends, this is ava and eva. 5 years ago we finished sun rising, and although we are both extremely proud of this comic, we worked too hard and had crazy expectations thus straining ourselves. Recently we tried to work together again, so we chose a little comic idea about ava's masochistic character Valya, who had his lifelong dream come true at the worst possible time. It was amazing to see how both our styles and skills changed, and we hope to (slowly) work on a longer comic project, maybe. Cheers!
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