7 episodes
Episode 1
WATERMAN - Saga 1- The bucket man
May 22, 2020482 views
Episode 2
WATERMAN- saga1- Mini chapter COLOR
May 22, 2020138 views
Episode 3
WATERMAN- saga2- The revenge of evildoers(Part1)
May 22, 2020142 views
Episode 4
WATERMAN-Saga2- The revenge of evildoers(Part2)
May 22, 2020115 views
Episode 5
WATERMAN versus Sticky tape
May 22, 2020136 views
Episode 6
WATERMAN against the Beach (1-20)
May 24, 2020176 views
Episode 7
WATERMAN- Water Time (1-3)
Aug 05, 2020150 views
A superhero with a bucket on his head that punishes criminals with goads and absurd cleaning techniques.
Could you have something better to read on the toilet?
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A superhero with a bucket on his head that punishes criminals with goads and absurd cleaning techniques.
Could you have something better to read on the toilet?
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