1 episode
A troubled teenage girl is ending her last high school days on a bad note with her school bully. But soon she is moving for a fresh start in her college life. Coming across a young man who is captivated by her singing. Seeing her for the first time, singing on a branch of a tree. An air of calmness soothes him with her sweet voice and melodies. He is moved. Yet to find out she has recently moved into the small town of Hibeki. A fresh romance awaits.
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A troubled teenage girl is ending her last high school days on a bad note with her school bully. But soon she is moving for a fresh start in her college life. Coming across a young man who is captivated by her singing. Seeing her for the first time, singing on a branch of a tree. An air of calmness soothes him with her sweet voice and melodies. He is moved. Yet to find out she has recently moved into the small town of Hibeki. A fresh romance awaits.
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