4 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1 - Short Lived Happiness
Sep 05, 20231.1k views
Episode 2
Chapter 2 - Nowhere to run
Sep 05, 2023300 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3 - Realization
Sep 19, 2023469 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4 - New reality
Nov 03, 2023383 views
What happens when everything you ever cared for was destroyed in front of your eyes?
Dahlia Calathea watches the downfall of her house and the execution of her family.
Just as she is ready to fall into death's cold embrace, she wakes up in her bed.
Now she is trying to find the ones responsible and dish out the best thing served cold.
Updates: When the student life allows. It's gonna be a rollercoaster
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What happens when everything you ever cared for was destroyed in front of your eyes?
Dahlia Calathea watches the downfall of her house and the execution of her family.
Just as she is ready to fall into death's cold embrace, she wakes up in her bed.
Now she is trying to find the ones responsible and dish out the best thing served cold.
Updates: When the student life allows. It's gonna be a rollercoaster
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