1 episode
After an incident inciting Thomas's mother to take him and her back to her hometown to stay with his grandfather, Thomas thought his early summer break was going to be uneventful. However, he is quickly proven wrong as he discovers that things have changed and not for the better. He finds himself accidentally uncovering a hidden mystery of the town and uncovers so much more: abandoned mines, secrets, and the living dead; all with a malicious force working in the backgrounds.
Along with old and new ties, Thomas is pulled into forgone story while trying to stay alive long enough to see how the story ends.
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After an incident inciting Thomas's mother to take him and her back to her hometown to stay with his grandfather, Thomas thought his early summer break was going to be uneventful. However, he is quickly proven wrong as he discovers that things have changed and not for the better. He finds himself accidentally uncovering a hidden mystery of the town and uncovers so much more: abandoned mines, secrets, and the living dead; all with a malicious force working in the backgrounds.
Along with old and new ties, Thomas is pulled into forgone story while trying to stay alive long enough to see how the story ends.
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