'You are Aaron Mendoza, yes?' The officer asked, honestly I was in shock of what had happened.
'Yes officer' I replied, I could feel myself shaking the officer could see I was obviously shooken up, nobody knew where Joyce was but they did find her phone and they took the liberty of looking through our chat record, due to the fact I was the last to hear from her.
Chat message history:
Sunday 13th October 19:46 pm
Me: Hey you up?
Joyce:You bet my mom and dad are out tonight I'm staying up ALL NIGHT
Me: wanna talk for a bit?
Joyce: yeah sure
Me: Well you going to Carson's party next weekend?
Joyce: hell no he's such a creep
Me: IKR literally flirting with every girl he sees XD
Joyce: lol he even tried to ask me out I'm literally the biggest longer ever
Me: well at least I got to you before he did XD
Joyce: XD
Me: Hey did you hear what happened with Yasmine?
-Joyce is offline-
Me: Joyce????
Me: Joyce????
-Joyce is online-
Me: Joyce why'd you go offline?
Joyce: Aaron, I can hear someone pounding on my front door I'm scared
Me: Sure it isn't your parents?
Joyce: Aaron we are in the middle of Indiana, my parents are in Michigan rn
Me: can you try to look through your window?
Joyce: Aaron there's a guy there he's in a hoodie and is pounding on the door
Me: don't you have some sort of weapon you can use?
Joyce: I have 2 pistols somewhere in my room
Joyce: I'm home with my 8 yr old bro my parents practically force me I gtg to look for them he's trying to break the glass
-Joyce is offline-
A few minutes go by
20:10 pm
Joyce: Aaron I can't find them!!!!!
Me: are you sure you didn't misplace them???
Joyce: Aaron I'm home alone with an 8 yr old I know where my guns are
Aaron: try under your bed you put all sorts of crap under there
20:14 pm
Joyce: I found them in my old shoe box can't talk gonna check on Jax
20:16 pm
Me: Joyce are you okay???
Joyce: Ok I'm in his room he's ok but he's scared too Omg I can hear him he's broken the door my security system should've set off can u pls call police I'm trying to be quiet
Me: Ok I'm calling them now are you ok?
Joyce: I guess tysm and if anything happens I love you ok?
Me: Joyce nothing is gonna happen but I love you too babe ok?
Joyce: right I'm gonna try and get out of the house with Jax but idk I'm scared I don't have a car or anything
Me: Joyce pls just try to hang till police get there
Joyce: I can hear him breaking things I'm scared out of my damn mind
-Joyce is offline-
me: Joyce????????!!!!
22:34 pm
Me: Joyce your scaring me what the hell is going on??!?!
I didn't sleep that night I was in a constant cold sweat- the police showed up and asked to talk with me, they found Joyce's brother crying under his bed, both pistols in hand clutching them tight to his chest looking like he had seen something horrible and was going to beg for his life, police tried to question him but all he did was bawl and scream, her parents came back from Michigan to find the house absaloutely destroyed, pretty much everything was broken, windows shattered, anything that could be broken was. I'm honestly terrified of what could've happened, she could be scared and alone-or- oh God I don't even want to imagine it, missing posters are plastered everywhere, every lamppost, every bus stop, every storefront window, anywhere, now pretty much everyone in our town, knows her name and face. The police are considering closing her case presuming her dead but I swear to God my girlfriend isn't dead I know full well she just can't be, I'll find her I swear it even if the whole damn town thinks I'm a lunatic.
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