2 episodes
"You Suck" follows the day of the creatively named protagonist, Protag, and his quest to get rid of a memory sucking leech off of his noggin. The novella is set in an Urban Fantasy world and involves alcoholism, holding people hostage, and an ultimate showdown. The theme of the book is identity and morality. Think The Hangover but on LSD. The story is filled with characters of strange shapes and forms to create a surreal and modern landscape.
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"You Suck" follows the day of the creatively named protagonist, Protag, and his quest to get rid of a memory sucking leech off of his noggin. The novella is set in an Urban Fantasy world and involves alcoholism, holding people hostage, and an ultimate showdown. The theme of the book is identity and morality. Think The Hangover but on LSD. The story is filled with characters of strange shapes and forms to create a surreal and modern landscape.
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More by the creator
Edward No Arms
Comic Comedy 8 likes
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Siena (Forestfolk, Book 1)
Novel Fantasy 8.2k likes
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Arna (GL)
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Earthwitch (The Voidgod Ascendency Book 1)
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Twisted Tales
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