Looking over the maps of all the different lands of Athnan abpelv, Brench falling off of my fingertips onto the map of faria, its country had turned cold as it shunned itself after the war of Athana.
“How do they all connect?” my assistant squier questions, writing more money down my hands grew weak after writing this country into existence.
“The unbound domains? They are guarded by the people of ‘The glass havens’ dear squier. They are all keyed by separate keys called ‘ blind cresants’ all connected through…” I say sincerely pausing at the strange connections on which I didn't know. I stare out at the maps pinpointing and noting things i noticed or thought looked cool then suddenly loud banging on my castle door interrupts my peaceful gaze over the shapes of each island, a guard of mine hands me a 3,000 vrerning ‘ the king is here’ deep concern covering what used to be my face as I slowly look up at the once great child king, now a dreadsoul dead-beat cazyiss old man.
“Hello , sir notctavian.” the king says smugly, bowing down before me almost as if he was greeting a royal sack of vex.
“This is my territory Wiffelray, that's king to you” i say keeping my calm, not bowing back to show that this is indeed, my power set.
“Well king notctavina, how's this not children’s wasteland going for you?” he says, mocking the word king as well as insulting my entire race of people with his weak fairy insults.
“ First you suggest to my letter box to indulge in war with the people of ‘Vesmaugro’ and now you're knacking me! You have a lot of nerve, you sad sad man” I say in disbelief and anger, remaining as a stone cold vorevae’n would arise non existent power that so called king thought he had.
“Sorry I don't mean to brench up on the wrong barsh, i need something from you” this distasteful fairy beggs, it was amusing to watch might i add. I look over at my busy squier and hand him 200 vrerning ‘ look at this funny man’ we laugh and he gets back to work.
“What do you want, this is the 13th time you have asked me for something” i ask, my neck hurting from looking at this thigh sized pitiful man.
“ I want the unbound domains blind crescent to The glass Havens, mine was stripped away after the ‘War of Athana’ so may I borrow yours? I must speak to the great guardian, I hear he’s a great ally in war” he says fluttering lightly around my serpents sanctum.
“Yes they are a great ally but… riddle me this Wiffelray? Are you kidding me! You're still trying to start a war, what is your problem with Vesmaugro!” i shout not even wanting to help this cazy.
“Their king killed my mother!” The king shouts back, I could so easily crush him but I don't want any war crimes to happen here, to my people.
“That was 16 years ago Wiffelray, you have no right to hold that against them” I try to reason.
“it's for my people!” he bargens back, as if he’s itching for a war with the strongest collany in all of Athana abplev “You just refuse to listen don’t you? Your people couldn’t give two vex’s about Vesmarugro! You think you're entitled to everything just because you're bad with women, your mum died and your wife left you, right! Your pathetic victor, pathetic. I feel sorry for Nova.” using his real name as well as his son’s finally shuts him up and god am i glad it did, he slams the door behind him as he flys out.
“I wanted to sell him through that whole fight, who does he think he is!” my squier yells out from his corner table. We laugh and the small assistant toddles out of my sanctum. I take a red marker to the map of faria, circling the different parts. Solarins is the place of royalty and noblemen and families of the king. Felvale is the farm-lands and quite ironically the smallest island of this country archipelago esc that is faria, everyone had to be evacuated as they sent everyone over the age of 14 to war in which they all died due to lack of training. Crimson is a desert wasteland that is now the source of faria’s very short food supply. Finally jadescars, forest lands and seas, it's the most peaceful place because it's the furthest away from the kingdom, on the coast. I pack up my maps and stare out my window and the river outside. The snaklings rustling through the waves, the tree farm was thriving, what a peaceful life. I head back to my room, locking my door behind me and going to stance. What did you think people like me layed down? Foolish human minds, so small.
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