2 episodes
Just a normal teen boy that got hit by a radioactive garbage bag then the next day he becomes an adult looking guy with great jawline and superpowers that any normal human being will think it's bizarre. Many think that he is an alien from Krypton, an airplane wannabe, and some other weird conspiracies... Who knows what this handsome boy will do! Safe the planet? Or just use his powers for his own pleasure? Or both?!
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Just a normal teen boy that got hit by a radioactive garbage bag then the next day he becomes an adult looking guy with great jawline and superpowers that any normal human being will think it's bizarre. Many think that he is an alien from Krypton, an airplane wannabe, and some other weird conspiracies... Who knows what this handsome boy will do! Safe the planet? Or just use his powers for his own pleasure? Or both?!
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Comic Science fiction 38.1k likes
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