6 episodes
Episode 1
Sep 15, 2018442 views
Episode 2
Ch 1. (first meeting) p1
Sep 15, 2018349 views
Episode 3
Ch 1. (first meeting) pt 2
Sep 21, 2018289 views
Episode 4
Ch 2 (the curse)
Sep 29, 2018172 views
Episode 5
Ch. 3 (first date)
Oct 24, 2018235 views
Episode 6
Christmas Special
Dec 24, 2018297 views
Do you believe in destiny?
What happens when two people fall in love?
But don’t be fooled nothing is simple as it might seems..
Wyatt was born with a curse, he’s destined to meet his soulmate but he can be with her only for a limited amount of time. Every time they meet a clock starts running and they only have 82 hours before she lose all her memories of him.. will he be able to break the curse and finally get his happy ending?
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Do you believe in destiny?
What happens when two people fall in love?
But don’t be fooled nothing is simple as it might seems..
Wyatt was born with a curse, he’s destined to meet his soulmate but he can be with her only for a limited amount of time. Every time they meet a clock starts running and they only have 82 hours before she lose all her memories of him.. will he be able to break the curse and finally get his happy ending?
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