How to pretend you're something you're not
Apr 11, 2018
Hey readers! Here is a comic I originally made for this years Myriad competition :3
Since I didnt make the longlist, I'll be posting up here now.
I chose to do this story in particular for many reasons! But one of them was to try and explain to people why asexuality is a thing, what its about, and why it can actually be pretty tough for people who identify as asexual.
I'm talking about the subject in my usual long, slow paced way though, weaved into a story that I hope everyone can relate to/understand even if they're not ace :)
I've only done about 30 pages (and skipped some chapters half way through cos this was a comp entry) but if theres feedback/interest after the first chapter I'll start drawing the rest of it more quickly ^^
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I am actually pan sexual but I tell my friends I am an ace to avoid rumours.
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