3 episodes
Episode 1
all four daggers of chelsea
Sep 24, 2015197 views
Episode 2
Nov 16, 201556 views
Episode 3
May 24, 2016370 views
these is a mini serie and maybe a future lineal story comic i dont know welll meet chelsea denise agger or like i prefer to call her chelsea dagger the characters of this comics are name based on the songs of fratellis like her and jhon , joanna ,henrietta,steve and mabel i dont know what more to say just ..... allons-y
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these is a mini serie and maybe a future lineal story comic i dont know welll meet chelsea denise agger or like i prefer to call her chelsea dagger the characters of this comics are name based on the songs of fratellis like her and jhon , joanna ,henrietta,steve and mabel i dont know what more to say just ..... allons-y
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