6 episodes
Episode 1
Jul 31, 20215.8k views
Episode 2
Jul 31, 20211.9k views
Episode 3
Jul 31, 20212.4k views
Episode 4
Aug 03, 20212k views
Episode 5
Aug 09, 20211.6k views
Episode 6
Aug 17, 20211.2k views
“Her hatred of him was the only thing she knew for certain.”
I dreamed of him often.
Often enough that I started to dream of him when I was awake.
So when he returned five years after my entire life shattered, I thought I was still dreaming.
We were always drawn together, despite our differences. He was the poor, rejected filth of town and I was the rich, popular ice princess.
He was my bully and my salvation, my nightmare and my obsession, an intimate monster and a heartless lover. He would sacrifice the world for me. Destroy and kill for me. Fall from grace and tear the stars away from heaven for me.
I was his enemy, but I was his.
Except, he took away the one thing I loved the most in the world and I was going to make him pay. I was going to break him as he broke me all those years ago.
I’m told that love and hate are two different sides of the same dangerous coin, and ours was a wicked, dirty love. A sick, twisted, beautiful hate. Ours was a story of irresistible pain and tormented pleasure. It knew no bounds.
◆ Sick, Twisted, Beautiful Series |Bully Romance (18+) ◆
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“Her hatred of him was the only thing she knew for certain.”
I dreamed of him often.
Often enough that I started to dream of him when I was awake.
So when he returned five years after my entire life shattered, I thought I was still dreaming.
We were always drawn together, despite our differences. He was the poor, rejected filth of town and I was the rich, popular ice princess.
He was my bully and my salvation, my nightmare and my obsession, an intimate monster and a heartless lover. He would sacrifice the world for me. Destroy and kill for me. Fall from grace and tear the stars away from heaven for me.
I was his enemy, but I was his.
Except, he took away the one thing I loved the most in the world and I was going to make him pay. I was going to break him as he broke me all those years ago.
I’m told that love and hate are two different sides of the same dangerous coin, and ours was a wicked, dirty love. A sick, twisted, beautiful hate. Ours was a story of irresistible pain and tormented pleasure. It knew no bounds.
◆ Sick, Twisted, Beautiful Series |Bully Romance (18+) ◆
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