4 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter One (present): Sighting
Feb 17, 2025106 views
Episode 2
Chapter Two, Entry One: Away
Feb 26, 202543 views
Episode 3
Chapter Three, Entry Two: Free
Mar 12, 202527 views
Episode 4
Mar 18, 202525 views
Once apon a time, in the 1800s, a mysterious wreckage of a ship has appeared on land and it tells a story. Something happened but the villagers aren't sure what. Maybe it belonged to some pirates, maybe they died trying to search for land. Whatever happened, our character must find out. We don't know why, but they need to find out what happened there. This ship has a story, and it needs to be told.
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Once apon a time, in the 1800s, a mysterious wreckage of a ship has appeared on land and it tells a story. Something happened but the villagers aren't sure what. Maybe it belonged to some pirates, maybe they died trying to search for land. Whatever happened, our character must find out. We don't know why, but they need to find out what happened there. This ship has a story, and it needs to be told.
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