14 episodes
Episode 1
Prolog - The little girl lying in the coma
Apr 14, 2021284 views
Episode 2
1 chapter - Began with a lie...
Apr 27, 2021112 views
Episode 3
2 chapter - You see me, who I'm not...
May 05, 202162 views
Episode 4
3 chapter - The girl, who doesn't love
May 11, 202182 views
Episode 5
4 chapter - My younger sister, who is my elder sister
May 13, 202180 views
Episode 6
5 chapter - The little girl, who died in peace
May 19, 2021107 views
Episode 7
6 chapter - The hate, what poisons your soul
May 26, 202168 views
Episode 8
7 chapter - Where you are, there I don't exist
Jun 01, 202169 views
Episode 9
7.5 chapter - The world from where isn't a return
Jun 08, 202198 views
Episode 10
8 chapter - The solitude, that costumes
Jun 15, 202162 views
Episode 11
9 chapter - Be who you need to be
Jun 22, 202179 views
Episode 12
10 chapter - The girl, who always loved me
Jun 29, 202169 views
Episode 13
11 chapter - The world, where I'm happy
Jul 06, 202175 views
Episode 14
Extra chapter - Tears are salty and deep like the sea...
Jul 13, 202167 views
The rose-coloured sea
"The unsaid words, thats accompany through a life.."
The girl, Shinka, is 24 years old. Since childhood she has dreamed of a strange world.
She was 10 years old, when she had an accident, and she lay in a coma for 2 years. During this time she lived in an other world, where the sea is rose-coloured, the sky is orange, the grass and the letters of the trees are snow white. Since she woke up, wants to get back into that world...
The boy, Riku is 22 years old. He lives together with Shinka in a small apartment. A little lost soul, who lives the life of his dead believed sister.
(My English is not perfect, but I hope I don’t make such big mistakes.. ^-^' )
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The rose-coloured sea
"The unsaid words, thats accompany through a life.."
The girl, Shinka, is 24 years old. Since childhood she has dreamed of a strange world.
She was 10 years old, when she had an accident, and she lay in a coma for 2 years. During this time she lived in an other world, where the sea is rose-coloured, the sky is orange, the grass and the letters of the trees are snow white. Since she woke up, wants to get back into that world...
The boy, Riku is 22 years old. He lives together with Shinka in a small apartment. A little lost soul, who lives the life of his dead believed sister.
(My English is not perfect, but I hope I don’t make such big mistakes.. ^-^' )
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