Ones there was a kingdom that was called the kingdom of fate. This kingdom was supported by thirteen elements, those thirteen elements are air, water, fire, earth, nature, animals, lightning, technology, love, ice, light, darkness, and the most powerful is "magic". There were kings and queens who ruled over fate with magic and twelve guardians helped them to rule over fate with the other elements.
But in the forty-ninth generation, the king and queen died so the prince and princess had the rule at a young age. The princess was the eldest, so she was going to be the queen. The guardians helped them rule over the kingdom, everything went just fine until one day the prince made a dark decision.
He wanted to be king but he couldn’t. So, He fought with his sister, the princess tried to fight but she always remembered he was her brother, she lost. People don’t know what happened to the princess, some said the prince killed her or some said that she vanished. He also broke the crown. The gemstones that represent the elements were missing. He made everyone a slave and told them to battle in wars. He also fought the guardians and made them lose all their power so he put the kingdom in misery.
There was something the prince didn't know about the kingdom and that was that the kingdom was gifted from a neighboring kingdom a powerful orb that would give people hopes at bad times. The orb was a powerful fairy, she sent a knight and it fought the prince and traped him in the forgotten land. The fairy sent a book to earth to find someone who can bring the thing back together and that is where the great adventure of rose begins.
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