2 episodes
The Undistinguished takes place in the distant future where mankind has advanced considerably having access to advanced technology, and control of a force that can only be described as magic. This is thanks to humans current understanding of the universe, however, it isn’t an unusual thing for the people of this world as they can’t recall a time when magic was never a trivial part of their lives. The story follows four young people each with varying levels of magical abilities two of which cannot use magic at all, as they are entering college, however, none of them knows what is in store for them.
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The Undistinguished takes place in the distant future where mankind has advanced considerably having access to advanced technology, and control of a force that can only be described as magic. This is thanks to humans current understanding of the universe, however, it isn’t an unusual thing for the people of this world as they can’t recall a time when magic was never a trivial part of their lives. The story follows four young people each with varying levels of magical abilities two of which cannot use magic at all, as they are entering college, however, none of them knows what is in store for them.
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