3 episodes
Episode 1
1. Haunted
Jun 24, 20192.2k views
Episode 2
2. Trashed
Feb 14, 2020700 views
Episode 3
3. The Horns
Feb 21, 2020729 views
Avery is a drifter that accidentally enters a contract with a demon named Zane.
Zane happens to be the front-man of some band you've never heard of.
For better or worse, Zane and Avery are stuck together. The band could use an extra hand anyway.
Avery considers himself an expert in running away, but can he outrun a demon that can drive a tour-bus?
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Avery is a drifter that accidentally enters a contract with a demon named Zane.
Zane happens to be the front-man of some band you've never heard of.
For better or worse, Zane and Avery are stuck together. The band could use an extra hand anyway.
Avery considers himself an expert in running away, but can he outrun a demon that can drive a tour-bus?
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