Malcom: how are we supposed to be challenged by having to sit around and wait for an Elevator?
Malcom: this House isn't even that dangerous.
Luke: i'm under the impression that there's more to the House trial than the Old Man was letting on in his infodump.
Luke: that the weeklong wait for an Elevator is only the start.
Duff: perhaps. but despite that, we can still look forward to a long week of being useless peices of shit.
Duff: i sincerely wonder if the Old Man is actually under the delusion that we give a fuck about his absurd Quest.
Duff: does he truly believe that we're not going to just abscond and acquire our own lives, once we escape this hellhole?
Luke: that's a good point. the Old Man never gave us a compelling reason to follow his Journey.
Luke: he didn't even tell us what this supposed '''Journey''' is.
Luke: what reason would we have to listen to him?
Malcom: yeah. i understand his whole thing about being a wise, cagey Guide or something, but people aren't going to do what you want them to do when they don't know what you want them to do!
Malcom: that came out weirdly. but you get the point.
Luke: yes.
Luke: escaping a dangerous Cell, then a Hallway, then a House— there's not anything exciting or inspiring about it.
Luke: the Old Man intends to train us before sending us off on a Quest, but his training is proving to be more of a turnoff than anything.
Luke: it's like offering a job to someone, but not telling them what the job is until they've spent a week surviving in the desert.
Luke: the person is just going to go find another job.
Malcom: yeah.
Malcom: oh, hey! Criss is getting back with lunch.
Duff: excellent timing. my stomach's spent the last hour trying to cannibalize itself.
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