Hey everyone, I hope you are all doing well...um...HEAR ME OUT...The funny thing is...after my last update, life decided to slam dunk a ton of responsibilities and I found myself juggling school, two new jobs, and various creative passions that I couldn't gather the motivation to work on.
Initially, I created this account to have fun and challenge myself but for some reason (for about 3 years now)...I kinda started developing this strong hatred for art and my art block grew stronger as time moved along. I lost my love and desire for drawing and it made me quite pessimistic about getting back into it.
Recently (this week), I randomly got this spark of interest to start drawing again and create my comics (specifically Masked Singers and Heartburn). I even randomly started learning/experimenting with digital art (that's been both confusing, stressful, and fun). I don't know how long this desire will continue but I just wanted to let you all know what's been going on.
Good news: I drew one page for The Masked Singers! (can I get a small clap haha?) I want to warn you that I don't have a set schedule for uploading and there will be possibilities where I will disappear for a while due to lack of motivation and time but I want to try pushing myself to start working on it again.
Another important thing to note: I am winging everything when it comes to these stories (usually people take years to develop their plots...but not my scatter brain...no...I decided to screw myself over and draw this comic on impulse, not knowing how to write for the life of me). Anyways, if you're up for this inconsistent and random-styled upload/storyline, then come along with me for the ride because I have no idea what I'm doing haha!
By the way!!! The image you see on this update is the new thumbnail (is that what it's called?) for The Masked Singers and I'm planning on uploading the first chapter later this week!
Hey everyone! I hope you are all safe, healthy, and staying aware of everything that's happening in our current climate.
I know that I am literally being the worst webcomic artist in updating all these different chapters and storylines (that's an understatement *cough* it's been 2 years Umbrella...). I just wanted to let you all know that I've been placing my whole focus on school and figuring out my life from there (it's been quite...scary). I am an independent artist (like many on here so I don't have the resources to update frequently). It's also been quite a challenge for myself in figuring out a fixed storyline because I'm constantly wanting to redraw or change how these characters behave and there's just so much to writing a comic that I never realized.
I created this account to get my story ideas out into the world. I have this HORRIBLE habit of starting storylines and creating but having this fear for what happens next or how will it end. I need to get over that but I want to start giving myself more time to focus on these comics. I spent all of last year figuring out my life and how I perceived myself and just wanted to maintain that focus on careers and expectations. I forgot how much I love to draw.
To answer one of your questions: when will I update the Masked Singers? I don't have a specific date but I will start working on the first pages starting today and hope to update soon.
Once again, I am SO SORRY that I have not been updating you guys and kept you all in the dark for so long and all these excuses for why I have been so MIA. I really want to get back into the habit of art but I cannot promise that I will remain consistent (I have been attempting to be consistent on multiple platforms and have realized that it's best to place a main focus on one or two). If you want to see updates, I'm planning on posting some of those onto my Instagram @umbrella.prince!
Thank you to everyone who has kept supporting these projects