Hello again everybody...
I'm super ashamed to confess that I'm not sure when the comics will return. I'm hoping for the next month or so, but I'm considering changing how I do them in an effort to make it less difficult for myself.
Truth is that I'm busy with school ending for the summer, and currently the year I'm on is known as one of the busiest years of this kind of school, and I've suffered a tiny bit of burnout after forcing myself to draw too many comics in too little time.
So yeah, school is a major factor in the delay, but other factors are burnout and me wanting to have scripts and basic drafts for more comics ready before I can return, so I won't tire myself out and have to take such a long break again.
Comics are still on hiatus, but I'll have something ready to post again mid-April.
After that, I may be experimenting with a change in schedule, perhaps letting the comic be bi-weekly for a while instead of weekly to prevent burnout from my end, and so I can work on other things as well without stressing about it.
Instead of a comic next week, I'll be uploading more a collection of drawings.
I'll be taking requests of things to draw the Performing Hearts cast doing, so say if you wanted to see Dance in a flamenco dress, or Couture and Cinematography interacting, feel free to request it!
No update this week friends, my apologies. One of my family members got very injured this monday and I've helped them out, so I've been too busy to work on the comic.