Hi guys, so this might be a bit late, but to spice up a bit of the first episodes I’m taking a bit of a hiatus so I can work on them. I’m planning on posting Love, Death on WEBTOON as well so I need to fix the first episodes. Thank you all for subscribing and keeping up! I’ll be back soon!!
Hello everyone! Sorry for the inconvenience, but right now I am basically drowning in school projects and my computer recently crashed deleting my progress on the new ep. I'm taking a little break for this week and I'll be sure to be back by next week in order to clear my head, finish my projects, and to work on personal projects and art. Thank you all for understanding. :,)
Hey guys. I’m sort of swamped with school projects right now so there won’t be an episode today. However, I will try to get it out by Wednesday at the latest. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Hey guys. In case you didn't see the description of the new ep, here it is:
"hey guys. This was originally supposed to be one big ep, but considering the quality drop that happened with the latter half of it, it felt wrong to send out something that I wasn't proud of. In the next coming days, I will try to fix up and revamp the rest of the ep and maybe even some of the older ones to churn out something that I feel happy about. After some long consideration, I have figured out the way the story will turn so (hopefully) no more filler eps. thank you all for sticking around and see you all in the next coming days :)"
Hey y'all just a quick reminder that i have an Instagram! It's where i post quick updates about the comic and it's where i post my other art. Feel free to give a follow! I'm @somewhatcold
hey guys! School's making life a little hectic so no update this week. I'm thinking of maybe making the update schedule bi-weekly so I have time to work on episodes. The next ep will be up next week though!