Thank you so much for Subscribing and Supporting STAY : In the Moonlight!
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing!
If you're interested, I have a few other stories you may be into as well!
Oh my lord, look at that terrible pun I made last year. Bless your heart for having to put up with that. I'll just be good and normal and thank you for subscribing to Free Will and say that I hope you'll enjoy Will and Brent's story in your spaira time. Damn it. I did it again. I'm the WORST.
Spaira, I'm so glad you spaira moment or two to read Free.Love.
Guess who just finally just figured out how to post on subscribers' walls! It me! Thank you so much for subscribing to Free.Love-- it really, truly, actually means a lot to me! I hope you enjoy the remaining story and that you come and join me for Free Will when Free.Love wraps!
Sincerely, AmourAccompli, who gets there...eventually.
Thank you so much for subscribing to my Short Story collection and taking the time to read it. I really, really appreciate it.
Have a great day,
Thank you so much for Subscribing to and Supporting Bonded!
Updates are every Saturday and Wednesday at noon EST!
Colt and Sage look forward to seeing you!
Really hope you enjoy reading!