Hi, I'm currently a sophomore animation student, but in my little time off, I'm working on teaching myself how to make comics. My expertise is really more in the art of film, so this should be an interesting learning experience, because I've always wanted to make a web comic. I do a lot more than just animation and comics, though; I'm also a musician and a voice actor. If you want to see my other work, you can find me on Tumblr (theselfawaregothkid), YouTube (All the Spiders), Instagram (spencergreydraws), and SoundCloud (Spencer Grey). I am currently sort of re-working my comic, so there haven't really been any updates lately, but there will be. The idea is to finish reworking the art style and story in the next few months, hopefully sooner. Until then, you can see my progress and other work in the provided links.
Also, I do commissions! So if you like what you see here or on the other platforms I post on, you can buy my work; all you have to do is message me and we can work out all the details then. Read more
Happy Hanukkah, yo! And whatever other holidays you may celebrate. The gang celebrates both Chanukkah and Christmas, like me! They're all half Jewish, if you were wondering. Also, sorry for the lack of posts, things have been wack. But I'm happy to announce that I'm rebooting my webcomic, and starting it soon! Yay! Before the end of January 2020, I should be starting the first chapter. Keep a look out for me!
I totally just realized I never posted this drawing! I made it for New Years, even though I don't give a shit about New Years. But I did it a few months back and am still decently happy with it. So here it is.
I really suggest anybody who's interested in my ongoing web comic (Misadventures in Apartment 109) to follow my Tumblr, which you can find in my links.This is where I post a lot of miscellaneous art of the characters, and interact with people a lot. You can request art there a lot, and I like to do drawing challenges and stuff there, so feel free to request anything! If there's a demand to see that stuff on this Tapas, I'll totally be willing to post that here as well. This Tapas is fairly new, and I'm still working on fixing some problems with my comic. I'm almost ready to start production again, rebooting it to be more solid and consistent, but as I'm in school and working near daily now, scheduling will be difficult to say the least. That's all for now.