Announcement: I’m starting work on illustrating a novel for a client soon, which will go on for the next 3 months or so. I have three new pages ready for you guys, but since I’m most likely gonna be working long hours on this book, I’m spreading out the updates to once a month for now, so that there’s a leeeetle bit less of a dry spell? If I can, I’ll work on more S&B pages little bits at a time, so maybe sometimes there will be a random update or two, we’ll see.
This won’t be forever though! After my work on the book is done (or at least slows down), I will get back to updating more regularly as soon as I can. Uploading this story is always a pretty high priority for me. I’m blessed to have you guys, and I feel like I have something of a responsibility to you to keep going as best as I can.
I love you all, and look forward to chatting more with you, even if it’s only on the first Sunday of every month for now. You guys make this author/artist journey a blast—thank you so much. <3
Even if you’re not able to become a patron, I wanna thank you for reading Sunstrike and Bluemist, I love sharing this story with you and am blessed to have cool readers!