I am trash, and I use trash items. I'm broke, work a minimum wage job, and do a comic in my spare time. Currently uploading old comics before I decide to start scheduling comics.
Sorry for doing this so soon after the last break but unfortunately I'm going through some rather rough times. I'm trying to get a refill on a VERY important prescription, but first I need to get my insurance information from my provider, who is a PAIN IN MY WIGGLY BUTT to get in touch with. And it's taking forever. But I am at a point where, without my meds, I can't really work on the comic because it just irritates me and makes me hate it. And I don't want to hate the comic. It's a big part of my life, honestly, with how much time I spend thinking about it and talking about it and wishing I could do more with it. But I digress. I'm taking a hiatus until I am back on my meds. Hopefully, this won't last very long. In the meantime, I'll still post doodles to my Twitter account (@ArtistOfRandom, may or may not be NSFW), so go follow me there for updates. I'm sorry, you guys. Hopefully I'll be back at it soon.
No updates this week. I kind of went out on a binge and neglected to draw or practice guitar basically at all for a bit there. However, I will be updating again next week. I'm also working on an Xmas special for the comic. Hope you all enjoy.