Scrappy artist, Autism and ADHD advocate (when I'm not struggling with my own disabilities), Anime nut, Japanese culture enthusiast, older than I care to admit. Trying to become a streamer (when my ADHD will behave and let me get on with it).
Krita 5, Medibang Paint Pro 28, occasionally GIMP 2
Welcome to the Art Family! <3 *gives internet hug* \(^ w ^)/
Also! Just gotta say.... Slytherin is by far the best hogwarts house! >w<
Btw, sorry for this thank you card! I promise I'm working on a new one, but I didn't want anyone to think I had forgotten them, so I'm sending this one instead for now. So.. Sorry! And thank you so much! <3<3
Japan is indeed quite overwhelming. I have a friend who's studying there right now, but I think he wasn't prepared for things being as expensive as they are. He's getting quite sick (because I believe he's not budgeting properly for his food), and he's basing that for his opinion on his experience, which I think is not particularly fair. I do hope he gives it another chance.
*accepts virtual hug* ^u^ Haha, it's no problem! Everyone of you sweet subscribers spent some time to see my work, the least I can do is thank you all <3 :D