Hi there! If you like webcomics you should come check out mine! I've been putting out comics for over two years now and I upload twice a week so there's always something new to see! Right now I'm even doing a small series based on the new Pokemon games! Whatever the case I recommend you start of with my most recent pieces.
Check them out at the link below: https://tapas.io/episode/1578059
Thank you guys!!! I've finally reached the first milestone on tappas! I'll do a special Q&A to celebrate ^^
You can ask me or my Characters any question you like :)
You can dm me on tappas or send me an email to nicomationsubmissions@gmail.com. I'll answer all of them in a special comic on the next Jane the Pessimist comic!
(If you want to stay annonymos just say it and i'll submit :D, you can ask all my characters from every series)
Hey Tapas ! Check out this funny fella : https://tapas.io/hairanight
She's an awsome artist and you can look forward to exciting and humorous comics !!!