This anxious lady is still an amateur that has a passion for writing and drawing specifically manga, manhua, manwha, graphic novels, comics you name it. I also have a passion for reading novels particularly asian web novels. And by "passion" I mean experiencing intense withdrawal symptoms if I go without for even a couple days. So me being on this website is like setting an alcoholic loose at a frat party.
I'm Jamaican which for some reason came across as a surprise for some people because of my love for Asian literature. What can I say? To each their own. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let's get along like millions of creative peas in a pod ok? Read more
🤣🤣🤣 I love my house too! As for your question, I am working on both the novel and comic in tandem so I can't seem to avoid having gaps on one when i work on the latter. I'm pretty slow so, i'm trying to get a stockpile and pace going where there's a two weeks break between uploads for each, but it's kicking my ass right now.
Yup. I managed to update 3 times before tapastic was like lol that's enough for today and that stupid error message popped up again. I still have two more pages I can't upload.
I have been unable to upload anything to Tapas for over two months now. I've been getting the same error message every time I try to publish a new episode or create a new series. My file size is fine and it's not my browser because I've tried others. It's seriously frustrating. I've Been so frustrated that I wasn't even in the mood to draw and for me that's pretty much considered an illness. 😧 I reported it but still no dice so I'm basically sitting around on my thumbs these days.