Sad news! :( I have to put Perfect Dystopia on hold. Or, not really on hold, but I simply cannot keep to the weekly schedule anymore even though I want to. I love drawing these though so I will still do it, however, the updates will be irregular for now. Sorry about that. Thanks for reading it and I can promise you there will be more, I'm just not sure when. </3
However, if you still want to see the same characters, but in a more serious setting, I've started publishing my novel:
Keine Sorge - all cool! = w=)b
In fact I'm glad to hear you decided to stop working on schedule - as long as you really want to work on the comic, deadlines only exert unnecessary pressure on you and may even kill your motivation ultimately! ^^
Yeah! I found myself pushing myself to make the comics as of late because it was full of stress to meet schedules, which was a bit difficult due to all other things going on. It took out the fun factor and I was afraid it would leak onto the pages! I'm the kind of person who has to work with the flow.
Hey, sorry for the delays again but I've been 'blessed' with an awful cold which only got worse. But no worries, I'll keep my promise of 2 Halloween comics :)
The comic might be a little late this time (Either super late today or tomorrow) but don't worry, there will be one this week for sure :) And in Halloween spirit - I've got 2 Halloween themed ones in the works for you, one for this week and one for the next! Get in the spooky spirit!
I'm very sorry for not managing to post today again, I was planning to have a free day but things turned out in such a way I wasn't at home nearly all day, so all I managed was finishing the comic sketch! To compensate you though, here is a sketch of one of the panels as a sneak peek for tomorrow - something usually only my Patreon supporters get! :) Thanks for your patience!
Next comic tomorrow instead of today - I'm so sorry about the recent delays! I've been just so busy that my entire time to draw consisted of about 30 minutes in the last week. But fortunately I'm laying everything off tomorrow and getting time to work on art.
On a good note though, I promise that when things settle down for me, I'll throw in an extra comic or two to compensate :)
Hello! My apologies, but sadly no comic this Monday :( I've been incredibly busy all week, including the weekend, due to job hunting and school. I was hoping to draw it today but I ended up sick. I will make up for it either later this week or next Monday though, don't worry. :)