I tried again! It's been a busy year and slowly settling back into my old self with stuff and things. Hopefully Deadle will stay and grow, even if it takes a year each time.
Hello party people. I've been sick in a weird way, like, movement desorientates me, and playing games and drawing were impossible. I'll be out of the country again in 2 hours and it might be a week before I get back. Hopefully I'm back to my old self again and ready to dish out some comics on your retinas. Meanwhile, feel free to share some ideas, and Pudgy Kin needs a name!
Aaaaand it's been 2 weeks, hehe. I really missed drawing. I have a few ideas, but I have to get the feel again. I hope to get one done tonight, albeit small. I hope you'll like it. Feel free to, at any time, throw some feedback or requests my way.
Hello! I've been a bit occupied, and I've been invited for a vacation in south fraaaaance this saturday, can't say no to that! So I'll try to make a new Deadle by friday and then I'll be gone for about 8 days again.
There's a lot more social time lately, but I'm free till saturday to do whatever I want. I can't really find a way to crossover into a different genre yet, so I'm just gonna try a lot of stuff out for both Peter and sideprojects.
It's like my energy's been bruised or something, fun week though. :) I'll open up sketchbook in a bit and draw untill it's night again. Recharging Day. :)