Author, illustrator, and comic book maker, Wesley Craig Green, began his creative career by self-publishing along with illustrator Jason Whitley the acclaimed horror graphic novel, Before Dawn. The debut graphic novel garnered rave reviews from such publications as Fangoria and Rue Morgue.
Before Dawn is available as a single digital graphic novel for $2.99 from Amazon, B&N, and Kobo (links can be found below)
I am set to release two horror short stories this spring: The Hit and Miller's Farm along with a three novella horror / weird fiction series, The Devil's Tongue. You can learn more about these projects at my website (the link is also below)Read more
Scrivener, Photoshop, good old illustration board, blue pencil, and ink
There are very few vampire movies out there which I consider very good. There are only a couple I would consider great. One is the original Salem's Lot which originally aired as a mini-series back in the late 70s. The other great vampire movie is Stakeland.
Stakeland came out in 2010 and focuses on a small group of survivors of a vampire apocalypse as they try to make it to a place called New Eden. The excellent script was co-written by director Jim Mickle and star Nick Damici who worked together previously on another horror flick called Mulberry Street. I could go on-and-on about how great this movie is but I don't want to spoil anything for you. You owe it to yourself to see Stakeland.
Part 2 of my Halloween horror movie recommendations...
Despite the drop-off in the quality of his more recent movies, director Dario Argento is- without question- one of the greatest horror directors. Along with fellow directors Lucia Fulci and Mario Bava, Argento introduced to the world the Giallo genre which influenced such greats as Hitchcock and DePalma. When horror enthusiasts talk about the work of Argento, Susperia is likely the benchmark which his other movies are compared to in terms of greatness and place in horror history.
Susperia is set at an European dance academy where a new American student discovers herself in a twisted fairy tale full of color, murder, and witches.
Two things I have to point out regarding this movie: one is the soundtrack by Goblin. I'm not a big fan of soundtracks especially in horror movies. But this one takes the movie up a couple of levels in quality. Second is the cinematography. Some of the shots in this movie are awe-inspiring, thanks to the color palette, lighting, and set design.
There are not many movies like Susperia. It's like living a horrifying dream you can't wake up from.
For this Halloween, I put together a short list of horror movies (along with illustrations) which I recommend you check out if not today then sometime soon!
I discovered this haunting little gem a couple of years ago while reading a couple of Best Horror Movies of lists. While the premise doesn't sound necessarily scary or even that interesting, this movie just reeks of dread.
Set in 1595, two brothers are assigned the task to mark the border between Finland and Russia. The eldest brother fought in the war between Sweden and Russia. As a result, he's a heartless killer, willing to kill anyone who he sees as a threat to himself or his brother. His brother is more scholarly but loses his innocence when he and his brother leave a young girl to die alone on a farm after the elder brother kills her father. Days later, the two brothers discover a small village and with it, a sauna in the middle of an isolated swamp.
Like I said, the plot doesn't sound very interesting. It is a slow burn as it peels back layer-after-layer of what is truly happening to the two brothers till it reaches its gut-punch of an ending. I guarantee this movie will stick with you long after watching it.