I'ma write you a separate msg 'cause your response to the video thing was so kind ;v;* <3 I totally get life keeping you busy, donchu worry a bit, I hope things - even if they're busy -
are going well and smoothly >3<* <33 Wingless continues to be the bestest gift from you ever and sets goals for me whenever I read it, hehe. DO YOUR BESTEST S.A.! <3 Cheering for youuu!
sorry it took so long for me to reply ( ´_ゝ`;) I kinda just schedule a post on tap and then piss off for a week aha...
I just feel really bad, I keep looking at my list wanting to make time and read your comic since I'm still madly in love with it but then when I sit down I just go back to my regular schedule of making comics and hten going to bed. (´_`) ONE DAY.
I also hope to get your present soon...:D
Keep on fighting the good fight Rufi! <33