I made some tough decisions in the past few months now. And that is, that I finally quit my job and focus on the comics from now on. I realized in those tough days that, you need to work on what you love, and making comics / manga is the one I really loved the most, Life is not just about working on a job that you hate just so you can help pay bills because let me tell you, the money will come through hard work. You just gotta be patient, and over those months, I've worked on my plan in order to get through this. I'll never let stupid people right my paycheck again. And I know that if I want to do this, it ain't gonna be easy and from now on, I'll never deny myself again. I apologize for the delays, things have changed now. I'm gonna go finish this, because I know this will blew up one day, or die trying.
This is my first time announcing something, If you guys are a fan of my comic, then i'd like to announce to you all that it'll be finish much sooner than expected. Expected time to of completion is in the next 2 days or less, stay tooned ^_^