I feel karma, I made a comic about my computer deleting all my files as a joke about my luck...
3 weeks ago that guess what my computer did? the hard drive broke sorry for the lack of comics I'll return to comics as soon as I can but for now I'm pretty much amish(he types into his laptop)
If anyone is wondering where MS paint adventure is I've decided that it should work more as a mini series as I feel that by it's own it gets bland and MS paint adventure was created a time filler I don't see the series going anywhere but I think if anyone wanted to see it MS paint adventure will be uploaded to comics not average in the future
just an update
PS:I thought I should also point out that ms paint adventure is not something I enjoyed making, It's not super important but I feel I should note it
right now I try to pump out daily comics every other week with varying degrees of failure so I'd like to know so I can best tailor my comics to my small following
Oh god I have to make 11 comics in the next 4 days don't ask but this is going to be a pain maybe next week I can put out some "high quality" comics but I'm a bit overworked