Aspiring webcomic artist. I update every 1st and 15th of every month! It's okay to send private messages if you want to talk and know more about my stories.
Hello! I'm am here, once again to tell you that my fan comic has been finished! Yep, finally, the 3 chapters are up on, so please when you have time, go and give it a read, and leave a comment. Thank you everyone for reading!
Hey, very nice ending, Aleksei. I noticed your skills have improved a lot doing this comic. I love the black & white style. I am curious to see what is next. Don´t forget to tell us when you have some new material to show. Cheers! ;)
Yay! Thank you for reading! Yeah, I learned a bit of things while doing this, it was very fun! My next thing its still in process of designing the characters and backgrounds so it may take a while. At least I have all the script done if I go with it, but still it will take a while n_nU
Hello people! I am here just to announce that I have uploaded the 2nd chapter of my fancomic at, so please go and give it a read. New characters, Kung and Colonel Future appears, and the plot thickens!
Hey, things are getting more and more interesting. I love the fight against Kung. It seems something big is coming to the heroes. Nice work, Aleksei! ;)
Thanks for the comments! For the battle against Kung I have to reasearch so many animals. I even downloaded some free 3D models and give them bones in blender so I could use them as reference. Life isn't easy.
Just letting you people know, is back online after the phishing report made by IA powered brand protection firm and Funko Pop, so you can go and play games, and most importantly, read my comic! (and any other comic, really there is good stuff there), Check me on other socials, I post daily some bts bits there~
Guess what!! Just as I submitted my fancomic into, Funko Pop used an AI powered brand protection software that made some pishing report that took down main domain, so I am again without comic, and hundred of Indie creators are without their games. Its beyond stupid. So, I hope the problem its solved soon, and can be back online. Anyway, read indie web/comics, its good for you!
Hello people, its good to see you all after all this time! Now I have something that may be not my usual BL, but I hope that you like it nevertheless. What I have now its a 3 part special fancomic of the old series 'The Young All-Stars'! I did this to comprehend better the western style comic, and to pay my respect to some old characters at the same time.
The first chapter its up, and the other 2 will be uploaded at the beginning of the next 2 months~ so please, go and check the comic! Give me your thoughs and have a nice day!
Oh, and before I forget. I MAY be doing a short BL series (like, 8 chapters?) of Dipper from Gravity Falls, and Wirt from Over the Garden Wall, just because I know that they would match each other. Would you people read that? I want to know opinions!
I know nothing about The Young All-Stars but I just downloaded because I am curious to see what you have created. About the short BL series, you know BL stories are always welcome so please do it, Aleksei!!! 😉
Ok, done! Well, what can I say? Maybe I can start by saying that I loved the dynamics of your drawings, the wonderful use of black and white, and the incredible crosshatching work. You can tell that you really put time and effort into this comic, congratulations on that. As for the story, I don't know much about these characters, but it seemed like a classic 1950s detective story to me. I found everything very "cinematic," if you know what I mean. In a good way, of course.
Thank you very much for the review!! Yes, I was trying to practice a lot of B&W, not only as lineart, but also as an atmospheric tool! And yeah, this one in particular was prepared to be very detectivesque, as Flying Fox its suppose to be a 'Batman' from WWII era and to emphyze that I emulated a lot of shots as Batman would be the character. Also, thanks for mantioning the 'cinematic' thing! The hardest thing for me to do was to think how to make the reader to flip the page, and a cinematic flow where every page tells a tale, and the last panel leaves a 'clifhanger' of sorts was a solution for that (nothing dramatic, just the chara opening a door, or posing a question, throwing a character, anything that would be answered in the next panel).
So yeah! Thank you very much for reading the first chapter! I gonna submitt the next chapter next month, so I have time to think on the BL thing that I have cooking, ha!
Just to let you know the Space Pack/ Hawk and Flo Adventures crossover has started. The two of them are going to team up to fight Werewolves! I hope you enjoy ^^. Here's a panel from the comic! If you'd like to dive straight into the crossover here's a link :)
Hi people. It's me again. 'Graduation Goodbyes' was axed by Team Tapas fastest than I can say NSFW! For that reason I have submitted again in GlobalComix. I have no idea how are there, but some comments says that they are fine with NSFW, so I hope that it stays safe. If not, I will have to use Patreon xD
Anyway, f you people still want to read the thing, here is the link.
Deluca- Yeah, the place is nice, and there is a delete button, which means they don’t retain your work. There are a lot of things that I don’t understand yet, like the frame system?? So weird. But overall is nice! I have more than 200 views already, and almost no promo, which is a lot!! So yeah, I will keep posting there too.
DellaDZ- Oh don’t start!! While I was doing this I was like ‘this has movie material!! Series!! A complete volume of 120 chapters of their lives trying to come back to each other!!!’. In my mind I already have a complete set of cast, with subplots, and a lot of drama! But the characters aren’t mine, so I must give it a rest. But that doesn’t mean that I can’t recicle those ideas for another series in the future, maybe =D
I don´t want to bother you Aleksei but do you mind telling me how you do your promotion? My comic book is growing so slow that sometimes I think in give up. :(
Don't worry, its not a bother because I don't do promotions, jaja! XD Its weird, I only try to post at least 1 or 2 (if I can) on instagram, and that's it, because I have no idea what else to do. I also try to speak with other individuals, or at least like their works and post. We really need a publicist to take care of our work, because I have no ideas of what to do u_u
Hi people! I just wanted for you to know that I have done a one-shot story called 'Graduation Goodbyes' and its already up here on the site! Its a derivate work from the original story made by Rand Ziro, who let me did the graphic version. Thank you very much to him!
Its a NSFW, so if that's not your thing, don't do click. If that's your jam, go, read it, and please tell me your thoughts about what would you like to see next~
Thank you for reading!
So, yeah! I finished my webcomic and now I am doing other things, but it will be a while before I could post anything ,so, in the meanwhile, would you like some drawings???
Because yeah!! I have OPEN COMMISSIONS!! I can do your OCs, or some Fan Arts, or whatever you have in mind! Just go to this little link: (its also on the bio) and we can start doing the drawing of your dreams n_n
haha! And I love so much to do your OCs!! The stars are aligning! -but of course, don't feel pressured, I always will end up doing a fan art of your series someday anyway xd