Joined Dec 2015 USA
You can call me Ambiguous Anarchist. I am a digital artist.
I believe that art (and many other things) should be original, personal, and convey a truth (universal or personal), and leave an impression, so that even temporarily, you walk away having experienced a change.
The communities that intermingle with my own interests have fallen prey to sameness. They have succumbed into a pit of uber-fetishism, in order to experience anything since all other means fall short now. And where fetishism is absent, capitalistic “more of the same” has filled in the gaps.
But the loss of originality appalls and saddens me, so I am trying to revitalize what is now a hodgepodge of hermaphroditic obesity and copy catting garbage, populating popular forums and galleries.
I believe this about everything, not just art, but also movies, tv, comics, literature, etc. Too many revamps, pre-quels, se-quels, re-imaginings. I want to make something NEW. Join me in creating a new world, not simply revisiting alternate versions of existing ones.
So my current comic book series reflects my own survival instinct. The pain and horror is present, looming, and vibrantly realized in a traumatic, sci-fi, survival tale of a lab rat seeking freedom, and self realization from his faceless abusers and captors.
It’s raw, edgy, even nightmarish at times, and not suitable for children.
Adult content will be present, in a myriad of forms: sexuality, violence, abuse, medical trauma, fetishism, and many more ways. But I promise, it will be unlike anything you’ve seen before.
If I could make a living doing this, well, that would be even better!
Whatever else, I hope you enjoy the comic. Graphic and visceral as it is.