To all our new followers, in case you didn't know Croik also has a solo account here on Tapas for her non-BOOM-related novel Kazuchiyo!
Hey guys! Later today (2/29) around 3pm EST Croik is going to be streaming over on! I'll be playing The Sims for the very first time, so come hang out and feel free to laugh at my attempts hahah ;D has just started a recommender tag game where you suggest several novels/webcomics of your mutual subscribers to all of you. ^^
Tag rules
1. If your novel/webcomic has been selected, create a new status update with your own recommendations and include one of the tagger (me)'s novel/webcomic as the first place.
2. Recommend at least 5 different creators' works.
3. Have fun and remember the goal is to help creators! (Also you're not obligated to follow the tag rules if you don't want to.)
Ok... Majorly important question:
In which order do I have to read everything?!
I bought the online books of BBBNY and BBB v1 and just saw that BBBNY continues on Tapas! (I am so excited, you have no idea!)
But now I am confused whether I should continue with the novel or read the comic first! Thanks for your guidance and THANK YOU SO MUCH (!) for writing it in the first place!
Thank you so much for the kind words, I'm glad you're enjoying the series!! To be honest it's up to you, as the comic and novel update alongside each other, back and forth, and we assume that's how most people are reading them. But BBBNY was written after the comic started coming out, and is intended as a prequel rather than "chapter 1", so the comic is a good place to start. (And in case you're wondering, BBBNY will end after volume 2, where it catches up to where the comic starts).
I just binge read both the book and the comic and I love it and I'm so excited to see where everything is going to go. I still have the part two to read of the prequel but I'm enjoying this so much!!! You guys rock!