Hey people! Dom here!
Just wanted to apologize for the delay. due to some circumstances, we won't be releasing more pages until Saturday. see you then!
okay all 4 of my subscribers. As you can see I haven't worked on the comic for a while. This is entirely because I've hated working on the thing since chapter 6. Mostly cause I'm not too confident in my story telling abilities and I think making a pilot might have been a bad idea.
Would have been better to start from the beginning of the story tbh.
Anyways, I intend to get back to it, but expect a bunch of hiatus's. Sorry for the wait. If you have been waiting.... Idk.
For all I know I've just been rambling to nobody.
sorry there hasn't been anything coming out for a couple weeks. Just having some struggles with the comic right now. I'll back to it soon though.... give or take a couple months