You can prolly guess I'm missing on this week's update,
I REALLY REALLLY HATE having to do this,but these last 5 days have
not been the best with me...
Lot's of unplanned overtime at my main job and then I blew out my back
somehow at home since Sunday,so I couldn't really draw like usual and
I fell behind schedule so instead of rushing it and making hundreds of mistakes
I decided Double Updates next Tuesday!...
(yeah I know it doesn't sound very reliable but I'm going to make it happen!,
also update day is Tuesday...)
I can never really apologize enough for this kinda stuff that happens,however
my other July plans are still getting there,for instance:
I now have a Webtoon Account!,I wasn't here when the storm struck so I have no idea
who migrated forever or who went on hiatus,but If your subscribed to me and I'm subscribed
to you,let me know If you moved so I can follow you again!
(Am I allowed to ask this here anyway?)
The Jade Heart will also be mirrored on LWT soon,alongside...
A Brand New Series!
Which is actually a prequel to The Jade Heart,I've talked cryptically about making the series
since Year 1 as you my or my not know. >:}
It'll be less heavy in many regards:action,colors,a little less in the story department,
but all around worth reading!(hopes)
I'm doing it this way to be able to upload it "simultaenously"(?) with the main Jade Heart,
I hope you look forward to it!,as It will be on both sites soon.
And lastly I should have both an Official Twitter and Facebook page up by Friday 28 at the latest.
I'm planning on posting lots of sketches and fanarts on both,since I'm old and not good at communicating,
expect lotsa lame stuff and misuse of the platforms!
So Thank you so much for reading this inhumanly long post,about my dreams and failures.
I wish you all the very best and lotsa love!
(The attached picture has no relevance with this post, It.....I actually reached the word limit...
Lovely Readers!!!
Guess What Day It Is!!! X)
July 5th marks the 3rd Anniversary of The Jade Heart here on Tapastic(now Tapas).
For the past two years I've made several plans to celebrate and have failed...
But not this time! Not this month!!
I've got lotssa stuff to announce and lots planned this time!
For Starters I found a Schedule!!!
Starting Monday and every Monday after, there will be two new pages up!
Second I plan on flexing my comedic senses soon,'ll see!
Third I'm gonna try to get more social media work done.(feel like i said this before...:' )
and...(I know that's really vague and not a whole lot...)
but there will be more stuff to come!!! and soon!!!:) and I will fix the gawd awful thumbnail soon too! Xp
Thanks for hearing me out guys!
Always the best for you all! XOXO
I will see you later!
(And for those of you who moved outta Tap
cuz'a whatever,I will also see you later!...)
Sorry it took so long but the next pages are up!
I still can't define a steady upload rate yet,
but i'm still working really hard on it!
Sorry for the inconvenience,
and thanks for sticking around! :)
Just a quick update for anyone wondering what happened to the updates,some things I wanted to do with the backgrounds are trickier than i thought,but hopefully I can have it out by sunday,then try to close the gap between uploads to weekly again!
Thanks for your time!! :)
(P.S. Site looks a little funny to me now,I dunno,maybe it's the font...)
It's been forever! and I didn't want that to happen!X<
Things got truly outta hand and still are but,I kinda had to slap myself in the face and see the reality of things!
When making comics is something you love,ya gotta find a way to get'em done no matter what,otherwise you'll regret it later,trust me.
Having downtime in which you can't even find time to draw is absolute torture as well,especially when you some inspiration going on but can't break away from the "Madness"...
So I gotta apologize again for the constant breaks I take,
but now I will upload more regularly however I can't set a day of the week yet but they will be more often!!! :)
Thanks again for hearing me out and sticking around,
Love you guys!!!