Hi everyone I had some health problems recently and my computer exploded so i couldn't update my comics but I love all my subscribers.
Hope to have an update by May for one or 2 comics at least. I've all the stories in my head but making the art is hard.
Meanwhile I started a youtube showing my painting process since I do not stream anymore. Miss you all, how's everyone doing? Is it boring staying home ?!!!
Hi everyone ! This is my daily practice. Working hard on Lonely Girl and I should have the next update end of this month or by next month at the latest!
I'm sorry for lack of updates. I lost all my storyboards for Lonely Girl that i spend 2 months working on and I'm just exhausted.
Now I'm just spending some time each day drawing portraits, its relaxing. Comic is HARD lol. But which one should I update first? I don't have much time so I can't update them all.
Missed everyone here. I wonder if all the people I knew are still here or maybe I'm just talking to myself lol
Patreon is a huge commitment so i wanted to create a Kofi for small donations supporting my art. Over time small donations add up. Thanks in advance to everyone here who love my comics. That alone makes me very happy.
I just got back and i miss you all !! Been working on Lonely Girl on my notepad and made come improvements. Really unsatisfied but the story has to start.
Will start on it tomorrow and will update Wings and Sumo Dunk soon !!
How's the lovely people on Tapastic doing? I've been busy with work but I'm really working hard on LONELY GIRL.
As such, I've been unable to update WINGS, SUMO DUNK and the rest of my comics and I wanted to apologize for the wait. I've planned all my comics really far but at the moment I've been putting 150% of my heart and soul into LONELY GIRL.
I kind of think I started on LG too soon, I really struggle with perspective and lots of anatomy stuff. But if you want to follow me, I post random stuff on instagram and this month is INKTOBER where all artists quit digital and paint in ink. I spend about 30 mins a day on that so follow me on instagram if you can - https://www.instagram.com/littlepinkpebble/
I'm doing good ^^
And you are putting your heart into lonely girl - it's only natural that the other series don't get updated in the meantime, no worries ^^
Hey Pebble! I'm doing well. I've been really busy with college classes and college life in general. I honestly don't think you started Lonely Girl too early! If you look at any webcomic's first episodes compared to hundreds of episodes down the line, they improve massively. I've known you for awhile now and your art really has been improving so don't beat yourself up! :) Just keep going!