It's been forever but I am actually working on a comic of roughly 40 pages that I want to post here. Comic-ing just never loosened its grasp on me no matter what.
( > w <)//// <3<3 I just noticed that you were interested in my stuff (meaning that you fed me dinner tonight with that ko-fi) and so I thought maybe you'd be interested in what I'm really out here to do xD
TBH, I regularily go around and throw small amounts of money at art people whose content I like. I once did that in real live at Comic Con. Hey, I could make a meme out of that story XD
Thanks for subscribing to Folklore! We appreciate you spending some time in our crazy world. There's plenty more ahead, so be sure to let us know what you think!
Hi there, I wanted to inform anyone who is interested why I'm not making any updates here. I'm very sad about the fact that drawing feels like a pesky chore to me right now. I couldn't be more far away from the progress I hoped to achieve. There are various reasons for this, but do they matter? My point is: sorry to my subscribers and everyone else. I would upload some scetches, but they could be spoilery.
I am planning to upload 10 pages as soon as I have them ready, but I can't tell when that is going to happen.