IMPORTANT LIFE UPDATE!!! + my Patreon/social media update
Hi guys!
Im super sorry for disappearing without word but last weeks [weeks? I dont have idea how much time passed...] me and my husband first catched awful cold and then we had some stomach issues. Meanwhile I was dealing with severe depressive state and my borderline decided to take it toll. I was feeling so bad I had a lot of suicidal thoughts but as you see Im fine. I have my husband's support and my family tries to their best to haha Today Im doing better and I really wanna clear up some things and I hope to be actually back
Im super sorry for all missing arts I promised - here is update: November Patreon print was missing even though I told it should be back. But dont worry, It will be sent with December one! [All missing stuff like traditional originals or welcome letter will be there too!]. So you will get two for this month :> I hope to have it printed next week! Comm and rq - will be posted today! Gorevember - haha Im such failure, it should be back today too. I will also try my best to reply to all messages and such! I will be posting short video on yt with life update [mostly what I say here] and I hope to have actual video on monday!
Im super grateful for your support and Im sorry for not responding to messages - I saw them but I felt so bad I felt unable to talk to anyone. I was isolating myself from everyone, its not like I dont want to talk to certain people - I didnt felt able to talk with anyone, I even struggled to talk with my husband, I just wanted be alone in my misery
I decided to try my best to come back as I saw Im going to road to nowhere, only getting worse and worse. And its super hard when you feel so bad but I tried some baby steps to feel at least a bit better to be able to live my life. And today I feel good enough to actually do something artistic/related to social media. Also I wanna give you update
so yeah, I hope December will be better month for me. I will do my best to catch up on missing stuff and be back
I love ya guys, Im super grateful for your support. Depression is hell and I wanna my maniac state back lolz. No srsly, I would love to be 'normal' but I feel its too much to ask for now. But I will try my best on my road to recovery
Hi guys, Im back :> Sorry for disappearing without word for so long but last months were HELL! But Im finally getting better! It will probably few multiple months for me to be really okay but improvement is huge already ^^
Thank you for being here, for all your support <3 I love ya guys
Im able to create again and I have so many ideas! I wanted be really back with Inktober pieces but welp, I drew 2, I gonna post them soon but whatever, I wil be posting regularly again :>
My health is problematic, I might be getting disabled status at some point but Im not giving up! Cause of this Im unable to have 'normal job' but I will do my best to become full time artist and YTuber :>
I think I will be starting gofundme campaign soon cause right now we have only my husband's income and my parents pay for medical stuff so its quite hard [especially thanks to fucking inflation]. Idea is that I would make campaign to be able to 'survive for one year and buy stuff which would help me become full time creator'. Which would be money for my health related stuff, food [better, more healthy one would be super helpful], some stuff for art/work related things [like better graphic display and new graphic card, sadly its very visible for me it aged a lot ;-;], swimming pool entry [one of few things Im actually able to do and it helps a lot with my pain], starting own business payments. I need to see how this site works exactly and then write it in way people will understand me and my situation. Im aware I cant go back to 'normal job' - my body doesnt want me to go out so much, be around people so much and Im unable to do most of stuff anyway. Both my physical and mental state suffers a lot from doing normal life like other people do. My illnesses and fact Im unable to function like others makes me actually disabled for normal people standards.
We will see how it will work, they are known to not treat less visible illnesses serious. I often hate that people cant see my pain, I would love to be able give people 5 minutes of sensation of being myself, I feel this would make people treat me better ;p
Anyway, stay tuned for my new uploads, I love ya guys<3
Internet's main Edgelord Hekkoto's server full of art, fun and edgyness~
Everyone are welcome <3