Hey guys! I'm sorry about how rocky the production of Fragments has been recently! I feel really bad, but I'm actually hoping to start producing chapter 2 soon, so hopefully it should come in the near future. I'm not going to promise a date or a regular update schedule and I'm sorry about that, but clearly from all the other times I've promised updates, life has gotten in the way :'D
In other news, I've got a mini job as an occasional lineart assistant for Sunrise Blossom on WEBTOON and I'm also becoming the permanent colourist for a webcomic called Slippery Applebottom. It's NSFW so don't look if you're under 18 or sensitive to that sort of stuff!
One last thing, I'm going to produce chapter 2 of Fragments in the scrolling webtoons format. I've been posting Fragments on WEBTOON in that format and I'm pretty certain that I'm going to update the pages here so that everything will be a little more consistent! Hope you're all ok with that? :D
Honestly, promising dates is BS, you should have a rythm yes, but you'll release your episodes when you CAN and that's the most important things ! Don't pressure yourself too much !
And congrats for your little jobs !
I'm also hoping to post on Webtoon soon so yeah I'm on board with that ^-^ !
I'm so sorry for the unannounced mini hiatus of Fragments! After finishing Superpose Soldier, I needed a bit of a break from making comics and July had me completely consumed by Art Fight.
Anyway, if everything goes to plan, the next page of Fragments should be up on Friday and with any luck, the schedule of a page a week on Friday should resume like it was before!
There's officially 3 pages left until chapter 1 finishes and chapter 2 begins. I'm super excited to introduce Torah in the next chapter. He's my favourite character of the trio of main characters and I hope you guys will love him too.
Anyways, I hope y'all have been having a great summer despite the pandemic.
Take all the time you need! You also finished a secondary project(and art fight kinda counts like a third), that's a lot of work and any rest is valid!
I just wanted to say again, sorry for the rocky consistency at the moment! In July, the regular schedule should resume. When I took on my comic competition project, I had a decent sized buffer and I assumed that I'd be able to keep on top of adding to it... that obviously didn't happen :'D I hate being inconsistent but I need to keep myself from burning out and I don't want to forfeit the quality of both Fragments and Superpose Soldier. It's annoying because I was being so consistent and I think it's like 3 pages until the end of the chapter, but I promise this project isn't being abandoned and Fragments will regain it's consistency by July!
On a side note, thank you for all the comments on my recent pages and thank you to my recent subscribers! 46 subs might not seem a lot to many of you guys, but to me I find it crazy that so many people enjoy my work enough to tune in week after week! It makes me want to keep going and improving, so thank you from the bottom of my heart <3
Hey guys! Just a heads up, page 17 will be out later than usual tomorrow. I've got it mostly finished, but this dumbass forgot to take her meds for the last few days, so now I feel like crap and things have been a bit slower than usual 😂 Thank you for being patient, you guys are wonderful 💚
I just wanted to share some drawings that I got commissioned of the Fragments cast! Here is a piece by OnigiryStuff on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/onigirystuff/art/Doodle-commiss-844231128
Hey there Bishmuth I wanted to let you know I'm not going to finish VS anytime soon. But I have another comic called Open Flame if you want to check it out. I just started and only have 1 page up so far but I will be drawing this comic for the time being. VS will be on a haitus. Thanks for your support and comments!
Hey guys! I'm really sorry but unfortunately there won't be an update this week! I've really tried to be consistent with updates for this comic, but my current Superpose Solider project has taken more out of me than I thought it would. Episode 2 of Superpose Soldier is almost finished though and then I'm going to take a 1 week break to rest and catch up with life, so I should be able to replenish my buffer. Again, I'm sorry guys! See you next week and make sure to check out Superpose Soldier! <3
I forgot to announce that Superpose Soldier, mine and @0becomingX's entry for the Webtoons Short Story Contest, was just released! It would make me immensely happy if you could check it out and tell me what you think :) https://www.webtoons.com/en/challenge/superpose-soldier-h/list?title_no=428513