Hello everyone. I'd like to say something about Wolf Quest. I've been reading through it, and even though they aren't that old, I don't like them like I did. I'm think of deleting, and rewriting the two. No, this doesn't mean the main story of the two books will change! I just want to change how I wrote it. Let me know what you think.
Hey guys. I have some news. Wolf Quest is going on break. I have been stressing too much with it, and I have lost motivation. No, i'm not ending it! It's just on break. Now I will be making a story with my cuz, LOTR, and maybe 2 other stories. Both comics. I hope I get motivation again, so cya then.
Hey guys. I got something to say! So, the story I mentioned before, if still a wip, because I'm hoping to make it a comic. But as of tonight, i'm starting a new side story. It follows the life of a character of mine, who happens to be an assassin. It will be uploaded every other day when I'm not in the mood for Wolf Quest. Right now, i'm not to big on an idea I have for it, so expect at least two chapters of this assassin guy.
Hey guys. Um...I'm kinda going back on my word. Ya know...about no more stories? Well, I am making one more. But! I will be working full time still on Wolf Quest! This new story will only be a story that I do when I have no motivation for Wolf Quest. It won't be out for a while, but that's cause i'm making plans and designs sense i'm debating making it a novel or comic. Thanks for reading.
Hey guys. So, I have some news.
1: We are almost done with the first Wolf Quest book! I'm aiming for 20-27 chapters.
2: I changed how I do names for the Wolf Quest characters. It will have spaces now, so MilkyWay is now Milky Way, MarineTail is now Marine Tail, and you get it.
3: I am officially working full-time on Wolf Quest. No, I won't stop making art, but I won't be doing any stories besides Wolf Quest. That means Story of our Life is getting deleted.
I'm also debating on changing my name to fit Wolf Quest, but I don't know yet. Let me know what you think.
First off, nice art. *smiles* Secondly, it's ok that you aren't good with them, *smiles* I was only asking if people thought I should change my name, but thank you for giving an option *smiles*
Hey guys. I won't be able to make any art or comic pages. I'm on my mother's computer, and I have no art programs on here, so only expect Wolf Quest updates. Cya.