hello everyone! im sorry to have been pretty inactive for the past few days (weeks). but i have a special announcement to make
going through college has been taking a toll on me creatively and on my work schedule. which is why i haven't been able to work on the webcomic for the past few weeks. (and the 100th special)
lucky my good friend pico decided to jump in and take the helm for a while while i focus on my projects and college life! i am pleased to announce that pico will have his very own segment called "picos punhouse!"
enjoy the first episode of pico's punhouse where pico delivers well crafted, witty, and punny humor in my abscence! i hope he treats you well!
Heyo everyone! just wanted to post a quick little update and a special fun announcement im going to be doing! (its going to be a little long, but bear with me @^@)
so first of all, today was supposed to be a big day~ since today is when im celebrating both my update of episode 100 of oh the irony! as well as my 20th birbday :3 (yush i was born on this fateful day 20 years ago :3)
sadly, with me attending college, finishing plates, working on commissions and me getting a slight cold over the last few weeks. i wasn't able to finish the 100th special by the deadline (its pretty long so its taking a while) im really sorry for that~ i will try my best to get it done by the following weeks to come~ just expect something really neat for this 100 comic special ^u^6
SECOND! i wanted to celebrate my birthday a little special this time! rather than receiving presents. i like to give out my own stuff more often than not so for my 20th birthday~ im doing a 20 art doodle giveaway!
actually make that 10 doodles (the other 10 will be for my personal friends~)
to join~ just comment on what you want me to draw and i will be picking them by random ~ i'll be slowly updating the doodles until i've reached the 10th doodle!
anyways~ thats it for now! im sorry for the slow updates! but i'll make sure i'll be delivering something good soon! see y'all then! and thank you all for the wonderfull support!
Heyo guys~ quick update. i wont be updating oh the irony this week since i've gotten a cold recently and i probly just want to rest it out before it gets worse DX
in the meantime~ go check out the guest strip i made with torakun over at her webcomic, torakun comics! > http://tapastic.com/series/torakun
regular updates will resume next week~~ sorry for the inconvenience =3=''
Magical Girl Kitsune! Out to save the world from the forces of evil!
.... unfortunately she's not too enthusiastic wearing an outfit like this~
thanks to wognif for the neat little idea~
also~ i post a lot of art on my facebook page~ (https://www.facebook.com/Lui421) since most of what i post here are mostly comic related~ but are you guys interested if i post some of my other artworks here?
just curious~ maybe i'll do requests here as well from time to time~
Character references for the OTI cast!
my favorite part about their design is that all four of them use a warm color pallete of no less than 5 colors (except for pico because pico is weird like that)
i also wanted to show of their personalities without much context but their gesture! just a little bit of posing can tell a lot about a character and their personality~ for instance, lui and kitsune give of a confident vibe while lily and pico give the opposite ^u^
new Comic coming up shortly tommorow! and maybe i'll do an AMA if you guys are interested @u@?
but for now i just want to let you guys know that i made me a twitter account! over here : https://twitter.com/Lui421
i dunno why i never bothered to make an Twatter but, if you want to see more of what i do from sketches and artworks to me trying to figure out how twitter works. then feel free to jump in @u@
also. have a picture of Picasso, the Wannabe ninja turtle as compensation for my slow updates @^@
Woah! i come back to check on things after a few days and SUDDENLY 2K SUBS!! @^@ i spat out my the milk i was drinking when i saw this and now my drawing tablet is all icky and wet DX
( i didn't even think i'll be getting this many till the end of this year, or longer!)
many, MANY thanks to everyone who subbed! as well as everyone that enjoys what im putting out! you guys won't believe how overjoyed i am through all these recent events @^@ i could go cry rivers!!!
i want to do something to celebrate but im currently busy with other personal projects and school work but i PROMISE to get back to you guys after all thats said and done!! ^u^
thanks again for subbing to my work peeps! i hope to deliver more awesome strips and comics for y'all to enjoy soon!!!
Glad you got here Lui!!! <3 You've gotten here through simply being awesome and funny and actually interacting with us, whih is honestly a lot bigger than some may think it to be! >u<
Hope you keep rising through the stars, and I guess I'll go get some mops and buckets CX